IF Not Now, When?

I see the progress that has been made,
but it is not enough.
I see the light at the end of the tunnel,
but it is not enough.
If common courtesy and decency are not
exhibited everyday,
then it is not enough.
If people still sufferin' on a daily
basis for the basic necessities of life,
then it is not enough.
If violence and crime and drugs and
illiteracy run rampant in our community,
babies continuing to have babies
before they are ladies,
then it is not enough.
If we still segregating education and menfolk
lagging behind the womenfolk and they are not
paid fairly and children dont have places to play,
youngsters do not have jobs during the day,
elderly not sure who is gonna pay and the man
in the house can not or will not stay,
then it is not enough.
If we can not walk the streets free of fear, our homes
a place where we can raise our children without pause,
then it is not enough.
And if it is not enough, we need to do more.
We all can and must do more.

that is all

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